よくある質問 Frequently Asked Questions
活動には必ず参加しないとダメ? Do I have to participate in activities?
いいえ! 好きな時に参加しましょう!
No! You can participate whenever you like!
What is the atmosphere of the circle?
It is a circle where you can enjoy what you like regardless of hierarchy.
何もわかりませんが、大丈夫ですか? I don't know anything, is it okay?
もちろん全く問題ありません! ほとんどの方がサークルに来てからDJやDTMを始めています! No problem at all! In fact, most of our current members started with no experience!
Is it okay if I enter the club room?
When the club room is glowing, it is active. When it is glowing in rainbow colors, please feel free to come to our room.
Where is the TechnoTUT room?
豊橋技術科学大学 体育館付近のクラブハウス 2階にあります。詳細はこちらのGoogleマップをご覧ください。
Located on the 2nd floor of the clubhouse near the Toyohashi University of Technology gym. For details, please see this Google Map.
Do I have to be a DJ?
そんなことはありません! 音楽を楽しむことが目的なので、DJにこだわらずどんな形で参加してもOK! 各部員の興味関心に沿って活動できます。
No, you don't. You can do activities that match your interests.
What should I do?
豊橋技術科学大学 音楽技術部に入部しましょう!
You should join TechnoTUT!
I want to join, but how do I do it?
Please come to our room once. You can join by signing the roster and stamping it, so please bring your seal.
Is it okay if I'm not a party person?
全然問題ありません! 音楽が好きという気持ち一つさえあればOK!!
No problem at all! As long as you like music, it's okay!
Is it okay if I'm not an otaku?
全然問題ありません! 音楽が好きという気持ち一つさえあればOK!!
It's okay! As long as you like music, it's okay!